Sunday 19 December 2010

Medieval Jesters Part 3 Muckle John

Archy Archibald's place as the jester to the king was taken by another, known as Muckle John. We know very little about him, but his principle recommendation for the job seemed to be his belief that:
"he will ne're be so rich for he cannot abide Money".
He did, however seem to have a large wardrobe of expensive clothes....
Muckle John appears to have been the last jester in the English Court and it today immortalised by the group Australian duo Cloudstreet in this song: (Lyrics by John Thompson)


Follow the king of muse and fancy
See the brightly coloured one
Bells and whimsy, sights entrancing
Dance with Muckle John

You know me as Muckle John
A jester in the finest court
A man of mirth and whimsy fine
Come see what I have wrought
I entertain the court tonight
The noble folk are gathering
If the King he smiles, a happy night
His frown much sorrow brings
My little tricks bring them delight
They love to watch my charm and skill
Coil of shoe, bells so bright
My magic makes them love me still
Twenty years ago, I came to court
My craft to learn at master's hand,
I sorrow for what is to come
No students now to join my band
I am the last one of my kind
No more, the court the jester want
They have new games to bring delight
New charms to dwell upon
Pardon me now, while I dance for my master
My tired bones must gad about
To bring a smile as the music faster
Turns my magic out.

There is also a song about the death of Muckle John performed by the band  "Barleyjuice"

Picture of Muckle John (occasionally described as Archibald Armstrong)
                                                 Source:The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford upon Avon.

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